Showing posts with label snowfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowfall. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Joy of Spring Snow in the Mountains - Pixel's Wordless Wednesday

Although the first day of Spring arrived a few days ago, we always have at least one or two nice snowfalls after the first robin heralding Spring appears in our yard. This morning was a sweet treat in that the early birds brought a beautiful blanket of snow with them! 4 inches of light, fluffy white snow crystals sparkled on the ground and our house.  I had a wonderful time playing outside on the back deck in in the snow today. It was a beautiful winter wonderland of fun!
Snow on my chin? What do you mean?
Throw me a snowball Mommy, I'll catch it!

In coming...

I'll go get that snowball...I think it went over here.

Isn't all this snow pretty Mommy?

I sure do love the snow...not only is it pretty, but it tastes real good too!

Of course I have to taste the snow Mommy...I'm a snow eating connoisseur of sorts. And I'm pretty sure this snow is super fresh. I can tell it was just made.

Some people get a milk mustache, well I prefer a snow mustache...AND beard, BOL!!

Happy Wordless Wednesday friends! Visit some of the pet blogs below to see what they have been up to on this fine day.