Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trouble with Sticky Flags

I am always investigating my home, looking for fun and interesting things to play with and explore. A recent adventure of mine occurred when I found this amazing package of multicolored sticky flags. Of course, I didn't know they were sticky until I got into them.
These things were fierce! I just wanted to play, but they got all over me, like a little army of ants.
The more I tried to get them off of me, the more they stuck. I just kept biting and chewing them, but more kept on coming!

Mommy caught me during my adventure and laughed hysterically. I didn't find it as funny, but I sure was relieved after she helped get those suckers off of me. The only thing is...she still made me replace the destroyed sticky flags with money from my pretty dress allowance. Sheesh! I thought exploration was a good thing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Trouble with T.P.

When I was a young and inexperienced 3 month old, I made a very interesting, and I thought helpful, discover y...toilet pa per. I know this looks bad, but I was merely trying to clean up after myself...I am a puppy you know!

Things just got a bit out of hand. No opposable thumbs makes it very difficult to create a nice cushion of pillowy softness for cleaning up stuff.
I promise, I wasn't enjoying it...okay, maybe just a little bit. Alright, you've got me, it was a blast!! I especially liked seeing just how far I could run without the long stream breaking.

My giant big brother Jessie was overwhelmed by my antics, and he tried to act nonchalant as I ripped that paper to shreds right beside him. But the more I shred, the more there was!

As I pondered the experie nce, I realized what I needed to do in the future... EAT the paper. That way, evidence is long gone...yeah, that's it!
One good adventure and lesson down, many, many more to go...wait til I tell you about sticky flags!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pixel Welcomes Her Viewers

Hi there!  I am so glad you have found my site.  I am a 9 month old miniature schnauzer who loves to discover new things in my world.  I occasionally find myself in unusual situations, so I have begun documenting my life's adventure to share with you.  
People often say how easy us dogs have it, and that is often very true, but we do have our share of troubles, let me tell you.  So, I hope I can shed a little light on the subject by sharing my puppydog adventures...enjoy!  
Stay tuned for lots of photos as I chronicle my journey...and please come back and visit anytime!