Showing posts with label National Book Lovers Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Book Lovers Day. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Happy National Book Lovers Day - Pixel's 10 Things a Book Can Do For You

Happy National Book Lover's Day friends! 
The written word is one of the oldest, most self-contained and yet most grand forms of entertainment. You don't need a single other person to be entertained by a book. You can choose any kind you like, whether it's historical, biographical, science fiction or mystery...the sky's the limit and the world is your oyster! I've read several books in my young life, and reviewed some of them for you here on my blog. Since we're celebrating National Book Lover's Day, I'd like to share my Top 10 Things a Book can do for you, and also share links to all my book reviews, so you can discover some really great books in case you missed my reviews in the past. Ahhh, the joy of a good book can be such a comfort in many situations.

Pixel's Top 10 Things a Book Can Do for You:
1. A book can teach you a skill - anything from car repair to "how to teach your dog tricks" can be found in a book.
2. A book can teach you a language - Spanish, French, even sign language can be learned by reading a book.
3. A book can help you heal - coping with loss, dealing with past hurts...there are great books out there for healing.
4. A book can help you escape - there's nothing like a good story to help get your mind off of the worries and troubles of the day.
5. A book can make you laugh - great comedic writing in a book is a gift indeed!
6. A book can build your confidence - good self-help books, and ones that help you learn new things, can make you feel better and more confident.
7. A book can make you cry - we all know those heart wrenching stories that bring tears to your eyes, whether they are sad or happy tears.
8. A book can make you smarter - Oh yes! School books and any book from which you learn something new will make you smarter! Every time I open a book, I learn something new.
9. A book can teach you how to read - both children and adults learn how to read by...reading books! That's right, the more you read, no matter what level of learning and reading skill you have, the better you will get.
10. A book can bring you closer to friends and those you love - sharing a good book together, or talking about what you've read, why you liked it, what made the book special or meaningful to you, brings you closer together. It's bonding!

Here are a few links to my past book reviews, and books Mommy and I love, so you can discover some books that might become new favorites:
1. The Case of Jack the Nipper: A Chronicle of Mister Marmee by H.L. Stephens
2. The Case of the Wayward Fae: A Chronicle of Mister Marmee by H.L. Stephens
3. A Doggy Daycare Day by L.J. Burns
4. Purr Prints of the Heart by Deborah Barnes
5. Moments of Surrender by Jaye Lewis as well as "Moments of Joy" and "Moments of Reflection"
6. The Arthurian Saga ("The Crystal Cave" is Book 1) by Mary Stewart
7."Ariel" by Steven R. Boyett (Mommy's read this adventure about 5 times since she first found it in 1993)
8. "The Snowflake, Winter's Secret Beauty" by Kenneth Libbrecht and Patricia Rasmussen
9. "South With Endurance: Shackleton' Antarctic Expedition 1914 - 1917", The Photographs of Frank Hurley
10. "The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln" Edited by Anthony Gross

So, what good books have you read lately my friend? Any suggestions for me or Mommy to read? It doesn't matter what it's about, whether it's a how-to, a biography, a 300-page book or a 20-page's ALL good reading and all worthy of our time and appreciation. Please leave me a comment below. I'd love to hear about it! Who knows, you might make a recommendation that becomes my next best favorite.