These photos were taken within the first few weeks of me being with Mommy. I loved her from the moment I first saw her, and we've had such fun and love ever since! Mommy and I were feeling nostalgic today, so we wanted to share these with you.
I have been looking at Mommy out of the corner of my eye since day one, and I STILL do it. Usually, I am checking to make sure she is still there. Well, you never can tell when she might slip out a side entrance or something when I'm not looking...
"Alright Mommy, we need to have a serious discussion about this whole tee shirt wearing thing...."
"Peekaboo, I see you." Doesn't my little baby nose look like it is heart shaped?
Just the cutest pup you were. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Reply DeleteBest wishes Molly
Hi Pixel! Those were awww-dorable baby pictures!
Reply DeleteThanks for sharing them! :-)
OMG! You were as adorable then as you are now Pixel. Supercutetastic!
Reply DeleteYour nose DOES look heart shaped!!! Most dogs are cuter as a baby pup but you are even cuter now. I think it's the hair on you ears That make you even cuter.
Reply DeleteMom is still talking about how long your legs are and how tall you are...she can't believe it and in that one puppy pic, she says they sure look long there too, almost like a fawn's legs :)
Reply DeleteMy heart just melted from the cuteness. Happy tail wags!
Reply DeleteOoooch, what are cute :)
Reply DeleteAre You a brown schnauzer?
We loved those baby pix!!
Reply DeleteTail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
So adorable! You can definitely see in these photos where the "Pixel Blue Eyes" came from!
Reply Delete