Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Jefferson. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Pixels Through History" Postcard on #WordlessWednesday

Found this postcard that has images of my great, great, great Grammy Pixelina and my great, great, great,  GREAT Aunt Pixel "Thomasina" Jefferson.
Grammy Pixelina was a part time Princess just like me,  but times were tough so she had to take a job selling flowers. But she never went without her feather boa. Don't worry though,  the birds sold their feathers to her to make a little cash.
As for my great (times 4) Aunt Pixel "Thomasina" Jefferson, she traveled the country doing re-enactments of the Civil War, reprising her role many times as an under cover foot soldier for our founding fathers.
Do you have any fun ancestors with stories to tell (real or imagined)? I'd love to hear them in a comment below.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Joy of America's Independence - Pixel and Her Sisters Get Into Character

America's Independence Day, July 4th, came on a Thursday this year, but I've  been "in character" the entire weekend, reminiscing on  historic highlights of my country's early independence. In honor of one of America's founding fathers, Patrick Henry, who gave the famous "Give me Liberty or give me Death!" speech, I am channeling some of his patriotic fervor here on the front stoop of my "Colonial" Virginia home on this Independence Day weekend. Please, call me "Patricia Henry".

I have been thinking a lot about freedom, freedom of speech, and other important things that make this country of mine so great. We had some very brave and innovative gentlemen and ladies (and doggies, I have no doubt!) that helped build up this country from a small colony to the United States of America. Although we're only a few hundred years old as a country, we still have a rich history. It is well worth looking into. I wonder if Patrick Henry had a little dog like me. He was governor of my home state of Virginia...twice. Plus he has thousands of acres of land and a big family. He'd definitely have needed a dog to run around with him and do zoomies with that much land. 

My sister Peanut Pumpkin Pie is with me now dressed as a very young Lady Liberty. See? Her "points" on her hat are still round because she's so young. Isn't she a shining beam of hope and light? Lady Liberty's statue has inscribed on it the following profound statement:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me; 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
My sister Dixie Mae decided she wanted to get into character as the lovely and stoic first lady Abigail Adams, who was a great support and encouragement to her husband President John Adams. Mrs. Adams was a prolific letter writer and political advisor to her husband during the early forming of our country. I think that Dixie would make a fantastic "First Doggie" don't you?
These are just a few of the many wonderful characters that are woven into the rich tapestry that is my country's history. And as... um...
Oh goodness....
I don't believe it! I've been photo bombed by a young Lady Liberty! Well, she is a free spirit after all.
But don't worry, Lady Liberty and Patricia Henry can still defend the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence if they think danger is lurking about. We are super nice doggies when no danger is present, however we can also be the best watch dogs, just depends on the situation our country is in at the moment.
Later that day...

"It's just good to see Peanut getting into the character of sweet Lady Liberty...saying hi to all the other little flowers and communing with nature like that. She is pretty like a flower, isn't she Dixie Mae?"
"She's just as lovely as she can be Pixel."
...and as the curtain falls on our little Independence Day free for all, let us not forget that above all, freedom is not free, that we all have a part to play in keeping a great country great, and finally, we all must work together for the greater good of our great country.
So, signing off now is Patricia Henry (played by Pixel Blue Eyes), Lady Liberty (played by Peanut Pumpkin Pie) and Abigail Adams (played by Dixie Mae Doxie).
Thank you, you've been a wonderful audience!
Don't miss out on other pet blogging fun...visit some of my friends below to see what fun and mischief they've been up to!