Monday, May 7, 2012

The Joy of Mommy Playing with Me - Getting Over Boredom

This is the face of BOREDOM. It has been two weeks now since Mommy had surgery. Of course I am taking great care of her and I am with her every moment being a nurse Pixel, which indeed I love...but all work and no play is boring. Obviously Mommy could sense it...
Suddenly out of nowhere, my toy named Blue sneaked up on my left..."Pixel.....Blue toy wants to tell you's a secret!"

"Hi Blue!! You have a SECRET to tell me? What kind of a secret?"
"It's really important, so you have to come close." "Really close like this?" Pixel asked. "Yeah, really SUPER close."
"Okay, I'm ready. What's the secret?"
"I love you Pixel!!" Kiss, kiss, kiss! "Let's play!!"
We played and had a great time for quite a while with Mommy on the bed.
By the end of it, I was exhausted, but I was a very happy, definitely NOT bored, little girl. 
Moral of the story: Always make sure to find moments to play. Don't let yourself get too bored, find ways to have fun and lighten up the day!
I am part of the Monday Mischief Blog Hop! Want to see what types of mischief some of my other pet blogging friends have been up to? Click on their links below to find out!
For even more Pixel Blue Eyes photos and fun, please LIKE me on Facebook. Also, follow me on Twitter for lots more fun as well!!


  1. Hi Pixel - I'm so happy that you were happy (and not bored) after your play time :)

    Reply Delete
    1. Hi Stewey! It was a very good play time. I hope you are having a great day today my friend!
      Love, Pixel

  2. Looks like fun Pixel! I hope your mom starts feeling better soon! Keep up the mischief

    Reply Delete
    1. I hope you and Betty are having a wonderful day. Mommy is just past the two week surgery mark and getting a bit bored, so I think my nursing skills are really helping her get well!
      Hugs and Puppy Kisses, Pixel

  3. I'm so glad you had some play time with Blue! Sounds like fun times!

    Reply Delete
    1. It was fun times...Mommy had fun too! Hope you, Fred and Gloria are having a fantastic day! Hugs for each of you....

  4. That was so cute Pixel! Hope your mommy is getting stronger. Could you please email me your postal address so I can send you the present you won at my Birthday. Thanks!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

    Reply Delete
    1. Thank you sweet Rubie and her Mum Poots! Mommy is definitely feeling stronger. And how wonderful that I won a birthday present at YOUR birthday! How exciting...I bet your birthday was memorable. Love you!
      ~ Pixel

  5. Oh Pixel! You must be the most expressive doggie I know. I dedicate my latest blog post to you. Love you. x

    Reply Delete
    1. My dear Sadie, you sure know how to make a little doggie feel extra special, thank you so much! And dedicating your latest blog post to me, you are a wonderful of my very best, but you know that! Love you too...Always, Pixel

  6. I'm glad Blue came to play with you and really appreciated your words of wisdom. I've been working hard lately and agree that I need to find some time to play. Thanks for reminding me. :)

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  7. Glad you had some fun Pixel! My Bunny is the same way for me - I luv Bunny. Hope you mom is getting better every day and will soon be up and about!

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  8. Looks like you and Blue had tons of fun!!


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I'd love to know what you think friends. Leave me a note & I'll send you a pumpkin kiss!