Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pixel's Wordless Wednesday - The Joy of Dressing Up!

National "Dress Up Your Pet" Day was this week, so today, on Wordless Wednesday, members of the Blog Paws Community are celebrating with fun photos. I don't dress up much, but I try to make it count when I do. Here are some of my favorite dress up photos. Which is your favorite??

Butterfly Pixel

Serious Rastafarian Pixel

Carolina Panthers Football Fan Pixel

Princess Pixel

Country and Western Pixel
Florence Nightingale Nurse Pixel

Noel Kitty as Miss Santa Paws (I am going to be in SO much trouble when she sees this!)
Click on some of the links below to see what some of my fellow pet bloggers are sharing on this Wordless Wednesday! Have fun dressing up...


  1. Pixel,
    Your modeling shots look just amazing! What a cute pup!

    Reply Delete
  2. Cute! Its a tie between country Pixel and nurse Pixel!

    Reply Delete
  3. Pixel, I swear I thought that first photo was a hair brush stuck on your head. LOVE the rasta look!

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  4. This is an article with great content and is extremely useful for all of us. Thank you.




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I'd love to know what you think friends. Leave me a note & I'll send you a pumpkin kiss!