Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2016

Happy National Sweet Potato Day! Pixel Shares 5 Fun Facts About the Sweet Treat

It might seem silly to celebrate a root vegetable, but never has a root brought so much joy to my heart, or to the world (in my humble Pixel opinion). Sweet potatoes are incredibly yummy and so good for you, they are quite worthy of having a day of celebration all to themselves! Sweet potatoes are nutritious, easy to cook in a variety of ways, and go good with just about everything, including whatever you might be wearing. I'm wearing sweet potatoes from dinner on my chin right now to celebrate this festive occasion. But don't let me keep yammering on about sweet potatoes, let's get to the root of this distinguished tuberous vegetable.
The sweet potato is a super food!

5 Fun and Interesting Facts About Sweet Potatoes:

1. Although often called "Yams", Sweet Potatoes are not the same as Yams.
That's right. Yams are not sweet potatoes. Yams are white potatoes from the Caribbean, while the lovely, orange sweet potato is originally from South America. The sweet potato can, however, come in colors such as white and purple.
2. Sweet Potatoes are high in LOTS of Vitamins and Minerals.
Vitamins A, C, E, Potassium, Fiber, and Beta Carotene are just a few of the good benefits your body gets from this root vegetable, plus they are low calorie, making them an excellent addition to any meal of the day.
3. Sweet Potatoes are believed to have healing properties.
Doctors and healers use them to fight diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Medical experts say the benefits from sweet potatoes come not just from the pretty orange fruit we love to eat, but the entire plant, including the skin, the shoots, the greens and the leaves. So from tip to root, this sweet treat is of benefit to every single body, whether you are two or four legged!
4. Christopher Columbus LOVED sweet potatoes!
The world traveler was introduced to sweet potatoes in 1492 while visiting the Americas. He thought they were so delicious and amazing, he brought them back home across the ocean to England. Great thinking on his part.
5. The Sweet Potato was "domesticated" over 5,000 years ago.
In fact, the sweet potato is one of the oldest vegetables known to mankind! That is one faithful staple for dinner. I bet dog loving pet parents have been slipping a little big of sweet potato under the table to their beloved companions for thousands of years. Here's an interesting article from NPR talking about how the sweet potato crossed the Pacific before Columbus.
Sweet potatoes are fun to eat & they look good on your chin too!
I love them pureed in my food, mashed like regular potatoes and cut up into wedges and baked in the oven. I eat them every day! In fact, I wear them on my chin quite often as a matter of fact.
Do you like sweet potatoes? Tell me how you enjoy eating your sweet potatoes friends.

Learn More:

All About Sweet Potatoes
Dr. - Nutritional Facts on Sweet Potatoes
Library of Congress - A Sweet Potato History

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Pixel's Favorites - 10 Safe & SUPER Foods for Dogs

I love food! I love to eat it, and I love to wear it. I really celebrate a good meal, as does my Mommy, so we always enjoy a good meal together. We both have several smaller meals and a couple of snacks a day, equaling up to what we should have total in a day. Now, we've all heard that dog's shouldn't "eat off the table" or "eat off your plate". I am a refined young lady you know. So of course I don't grab food off of Mommy's plate and she does not give me any of her prepared foods.
There are a few reasons why it is not a good idea to feed your dog directly from your plate, no matter how cute we look as we give you a big smile and sad puppy eyes. Some foods have damaging high fat, high salt, or ingredients that dogs either can't process or are toxic to us, such as onions, raisins and certain spices. But just because we can't eat some human foods, does not mean that dogs can never have people food at all! In fact, lots of dogs have their daily meals made all out of human foods exclusively, such as my friend Susie-Belle from England, who was rescued from a terrible puppy mill and now lives the good life with her Mum & Dad (a chef).
Here is my top 10 favorite human foods (in no particular order) that are not only safe for dogs to eat, but are actually SUPER Foods that provide amazing nutrition that keeps us healthy, fights disease, provides building blocks to a long life and bring lots of yummy to our tummy.
Pixel Blue Eyes' Top 10 Safe SUPER Foods for Dogs
1. Green Beans - omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, K. Good source of calcium, copper, fiber, folic acid, iron, niacin, manganese, potassium, riboflavin and thiamin, beta carotene. Super low calorie, a virtual "free food"
2. Sweet Potatoes - great source of vitamins E, A, B-6 and C, as well as calcium, iron, folate, potassium, copper, thiamine and iron
3. Pumpkin - High fiber, essential fatty acids, promotes digestive & urinary health (Other squash such as butternut is good for us too!)
4. Beets - Excellent for dogs with liver issues, full of beta-carotene, fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B and C
5. Oatmeal - Essential source of fiber, grain protein, stabilizes blood sugar, high magnesium, contains lignans which protect against heart disease & cancer, antioxidants, boosts immune system, protects against heart failure
6. Bananas - Lots of amino acids, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins B6 and C, potassium, fiber and manganese
7. Zucchini - Good source of calcium, potassium, beta-carotene, and folate. Zucchini is best fed raw or frozen but can also be served cooked
8. Blueberries - high levels of resveratrol, which helps fight against cancer and heart disease. Contains tannins which help prevent urinary tract infections similar to what cranberries do.
9. Watermelon - Lycopene, vitamin A, B-6, C, thiamin
10. Brussel Sprouts - (I know, freaky, right?) vitamins K and G, manganese, folate, fiber, potassium and vitamins A, B1 and B6
Mommy and I have done extensive research, gleaning information from expert resources including well known veterinarians, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and professional dog sites known for their scrupulous knowledge and information. Some of these foods are best cooked a certain way for optimum nutrition absorption, while others can be raw or  just lightly cooked.
Things to keep in mind as you go through my list of favorite human foods that are safe for dogs:
1. Not all dogs will like all foods. Just like people, dogs can have finicky tastes, though generally, we're happy with most any snack or food you give us. If you really want us to eat a certain "good for us" food...hide it in something else we like.
2. Some dogs have sensitive stomachs and are not able to digest the skins of things like raw or even cooked peas or blueberries. ...we've found that all natural and/or organic baby food versions of these fruits, vegetables and grains are FANTASTIC and in a perfect, easily digestible form for little dogs with sensitive stomachs. It's already pureed for you, so it makes for easy snacking and food preparation, depending on your needs, for your dog. Plus, if it's good enough to feed babies and toddlers, it is certainly good enough to feed your dog. Happy Baby Foods and Gerber are two of our favorite brands!
My basic meal at home is a foundation of fat free ground up chicken & a little white rice, then Mommy "mixes it up" for me with different fruits and veggies.

And everyday I get oatmeal in two of my meals. The moisture from the pureed fruits and veggies (sometimes additional water is added as needed) gives it a great consistency when mixed with the chicken!
My sisters, Peanut Pumpkin Pie and Dixie Mae Doxie, have fallen in LOVE with a new all natural fruit combo that is a mix of bananas, blueberries and beets. Talk about a powerhouse of healthy elements, vitamins and minerals!! Plus, it makes each of us look like we're wearing lipstick when a family member squeezes it out of the package and we lick it up with joy! See?

So, look in your cabinets, run to the store, visit your farmers market or dig in your garden and get YOUR pup some super foods to add to their daily diet. Trust me, if you weren't already their favorite (of course you are!) then you surely will be once you start adding these tasty bonus treats to their daily routine!
Healthy eating is never too late to start and always a good idea! If you'd like special instructions on cooking some of the veggies listed, or info on where Mommy orders some of the items we mentioned, leave a comment and we'll contact you!
Now....who wants a banana, blueberry Pixel kiss???