Dear friends, for a few months now, Mommy and I, and our small family, have been dealing with a difficult reality that we've been reluctant to share. Not sure why. Perhaps we've been in denial, or maybe it was the fear that you'd think I'd lost my fun-loving Pixel ways. I'm still me, and Istill have those joyful times, but I'll get to my point... I have doggy dementia, medically termed "canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome", and I was officially diagnosed a few months ago. This is in addition to my seizures, neurological issues, liver issues, and arthritis.
I was showing a lot of signs Mommy tried to explain away, but by December it just became overwhelming for both of us. I get lost in corners, under side tables and in the fridge door, I eat odd objects I shouldn't and sometimes I forget who Mommy is and where I am and I get scared, or I zone out and scare Mommy.
Mommy is doing everything she can for me, and she's keeping me as safe as possible, figuring out new ways to keep me out of "troubling situations". She works hard not to let me see her frustration but it's heartbreaking for her, I know it is, it's hard for me too. I'm only 10 years old.
Mommy is doing everything she can for me, and she's keeping me as safe as possible, figuring out new ways to keep me out of "troubling situations". She works hard not to let me see her frustration but it's heartbreaking for her, I know it is, it's hard for me too. I'm only 10 years old.
Luckily there is a medicine for canine cognitive dysfunction called Anypril that we are trying for me. It helped my Uncle Happydog 5 years ago, so we insisted on trying it as soon as we knew for sure I had it. I've been taking it almost a month now, and Mommy thinks it is starting to help me. I'm having more moments of clarity, less of the "lost look" in my eyes, more initiated playtime. I am also initiating more interactions with her. She was crying a lot over it, but taking action helped her a lot. Our family is so wonderful and helpful as we navigate this diagnosis. Mommy has found a very helpful Facebook group for pet parents who have dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction and they are are a great support as well.
I promise Mommy and I will be talking and sharing a lot more about this topic, our diagnosis and what you can do if this disease affects you.
As my friends and faithful readers, I just didn't want to keep you in the dark any longer. It's a dreadful disease, but no one has to go through it alone. And it doesn't have to mean our fun or adventures end. In fact, Mommy and I are taking this as an opportunity to do more, seek out exciting pet job opportunities with the blog, go to the beach, travel, and just have more fun. I hope you will have more fun too! Life is short, and you must seek to enjoy it with those you love every moment that you can.
Mommy and I have made the following pact, shook paw in hand on it, and we'd like you to do the same with us. It's simple really, and it is inspired by Mommy Jenny's favorite composer and pianist, Yanni. She got to see him in concert and briefly interview him and hang out with his musicians twice in the 90s. He said the following words right before playing her all time favorite song called "Until the Last Moment". Follow the link to watch Yanni play it like she saw it then.
Mommy and I have made the following pact, shook paw in hand on it, and we'd like you to do the same with us. It's simple really, and it is inspired by Mommy Jenny's favorite composer and pianist, Yanni. She got to see him in concert and briefly interview him and hang out with his musicians twice in the 90s. He said the following words right before playing her all time favorite song called "Until the Last Moment". Follow the link to watch Yanni play it like she saw it then.
"Sometimes we get caught up in our troubles and our problems and we let life slip away, but life is precious, all of life, and one must try to take in as much of it as possible." ~ Yanni
So, let's all make a pact to take in as much of the joyful moments of life as possible, both big and small. Don't let life slip away. It can happen far too easily. I love you my friends, and I am always here to share a joyful moment with you!
So, let's all make a pact to take in as much of the joyful moments of life as possible, both big and small. Don't let life slip away. It can happen far too easily. I love you my friends, and I am always here to share a joyful moment with you!
With much love,