Showing posts with label dog weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog weight loss. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Joy of Success - One Story of #PerfectWeight Achieved with Hills 10 Week Turnaround Challenge

This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Science Diet® Perfect Weight 10 Week Turn Around, but "Pixel Blue Eyes: Her Tails of Adventure" only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.
If you're a regular reader of my blog, you know I've been sharing with you about how important consistency, balanced nutrition and a healthy routine is for your pet to maintain #perfectweight and have good overall health and wellness. It's sad to say that up to 50% of pets today are overweight, and that can cause all kinds of health issues and decreased quality of life for pets. The struggle of overweight pets is real my friends. I've been there myself. I see where I've been and I know where I'm going. So don't worry if your pet is overweight right now, I know of a fantastic plan of action that my friends at Hill's Pet created to help your pet get back to where they need to be. In fact, I'm going to share a very special success story hat will make you smile like no other about a dog who succeeded when she tried that very plan!
But first, let's take a look at this brief video showing how the overweight struggle can be for pets:

Hill's does a great job at making the above video light hearted, but being overweight is no laughing matter for pets.
THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Pets all across America are doing something to better themselves, including the dog you are about to meet. 

One Dog's 10 Week Turnaround Success Story: Keira's Perfect Weight
Meet Keira. She and her Mom took the Hill's 10 Week Turnaround Challenge and had phenomenal results! Her mom changed how she fed Keira by measuring her food portions, setting a strict feeding schedule and feeding her Hills #PerfectWeight Adult Dog Food. They also made some lifestyle changed to benefit Keira, and they both got more active to get Keira "moving" in the right direction. Keira went from weighing 88.4 lbs. to weighing a perfect 75.1 lbs. Doesn't she look amazing?
Watch this wonderful video that Keira and her Mom put together that documents her weight loss journey. You can also read more about Keira's amazing weight loss success on her blog Trendy Pet.
  This journey of success is possible for you too!

4 Things To Do to Get & Keep Your #PerfectWeight:
As a reminder, here are 4 things that Mommy and I do to help keep me at MY #PerfectWeight. YOU can do it too!
1. Set specific feeding times and stay on schedule. Everyday. Even when we go out of town together or if a family member watches me while she is away, I can't miss my scheduled feedings, so if we travel, an alarm is set for the times and we stop at rest areas to feed me. Routine is routine.
2. Measure the right amount of food for pet size. Mommy always measures my food. Period. This is critical. You must measure for the proper size your pet should be, not what they currently weigh. Refer to the side of the dog food bag/can or speak to your veterinarian. Do NOT free feed your pet. They can easily become overweight when the amount they eat is not regulated.
3.  Exercise and Play with your Pet. Mommy and I both get moving together, and she doesn't just exercise my body, she helps exercise my mind with fun games where I have to think and "find toys" or solve simple puzzles like "find the treat". Practicing my tricks and commands is another excellent way to exercise my mind and body.
4. Use the Hills 10 Week Challenge Calendar . Write down your entire routine on the calendar. It helps you stay on course, schedule things out, mark successes, see where you've been and where you're going.
5. Be patient and take things slow. Anything new can be hard, such as a new diet, a new exercise plan or routine, or even learning a new trick. So be patient and take it slow. If you choose to do the Hill's 10 Week Turnaround Challenge, remember it isn't a fad diet or "race against the clock". Every "body" is different, and the steady pace wins the race.
The very best thing you can do for your pet is feed them proper, well balanced nutritional food. The Hill’s Science Diet Adult Perfect Weight Formulas are available at your veterinarian's office or favorite pet specialty store such as Pet360. If your pet is a small breed like me, Hill's now has a new line out this year for Small and Toy Breeds. The breakthrough nutrition in Hill's® Science Diet® Small and Toy Breed Formula, including prebiotic fibers for gentle digestion, is formulated to achieve & maintain a healthy weight & improve quality of life in small & toy breed dogs. After all, 40% of the dog population is small and toy breeds.
Want to give it a try? Hills is giving it away!! That's right friends. Hill's will be giving away bi-weekly prizes of a 10-week supply of Science Diet Perfect Weight pet food. Enter today for YOUR chance to WIN! Simply select the Hill's 10 Week Turnaround contest link that will bring you to the official contest page with the "Enter Now" button. And make sure to read the full Terms & Conditions found on the entry form.
Remember, you have nothing to lose...except the weight! Keira did it, and so can you! Over 70% of dogs and cats who try the Hills 10 Week Turnaround Challenge lose weight with the Perfect Weight adult pet food, so don't wait another minute.

Go to the Hill's website contest URL ( right now and enter for your chance to try Hill's #PerfectWeight Pet Food today!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Pixel Believes Consistency is Key for #PerfectWeight Management

This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Science Diet® Perfect Weight 10 Week Turnaround, but 'Pixel Blue Eyes: Her Tails of Adventure' only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Keeping in shape and making sure I am at my optimal #PerfectWeight is a top priority for me and Mommy at all times. Healthy weight for your pet adds to a better quality of life and a possible higher life expectancy, and that is very important. A healthy pet is a happy pet!

We agree with our friends at Hill's Pet, makers of Hill's Science Diet, that consistency is a key factor in a pet's life. We need and crave routine! And that routine should not be changed if something changes around us. So, if Mommy has to go away and I am watched by a family member, they still feed me at the same time each day. Even when we are away on vacation or on a business trip together, we do not deviate from the food we eat, our feeding routine or our schedule. Let me give you an example...
Our family went on a big beach trip this year and we travelled for two days to get there. In addition to my doggie camera, extra harnesses, lots of duckies and a couple of hats, Mommy made additional preparations for how us girls would be fed while on the road. In preparation for the trip, all our food was prepared/packed special beforehand specifically for the travelling portion of the trip. We packed a "doggy bag" contained the needed bowls, measuring scoops, etc that were needed for each meal for each dog (there's four of us girl dogs).

We are little dogs that love to eat, so we get four mini meals a day that (when you include our allowed treats) add up to our total food intake for the day. Mommy and Grammy both have alarms on their cell phones programmed in to our feeding times. Grampy kept watch for the closest places we could stop and Auntie headed up the food distribution with Mommy at each meal time. We never missed a meal time on the road!
It was also important that we not miss potty breaks and daily exercise. That was easily remedied on the road by stopping at rest areas with pet friendly sections, and of course staying at pet friendly hotels allowed us the chance to run free in designated areas.
**Always remember that a measurement of food is not a random scoop of loose food. Always refer to either your  vet's in structions or the  instructions on the food bag/can/container for the proper amount of food to give your pet to ensure they are not getting either too much food or too little food.**
Once at the beach house, it was "business as usual" for us pups. We figured out where the kitchen was pretty fast, so when we heard our food alarm go off, all four of us would come barreling in to stand and wait for our meals. Here we are looking all cute and "doe-eyed" for Mommy while she prepared our lunch.
Mommy sneaks us one little lick of her fingers on occasion when preparing meals. It's hardly anything, but makes us feel special. Some people give a lot of treats to make a dog feel special, but too much can add up to an unhealthy weight. Mommy always thinks on the fact that more than 50% of pets today are overweight to some degree, so she is very careful what she gives me.
While staying in the hotel and while staying at the beach, we went to bed at the normal time, got up at the same time, and always made time to play inside or outside or go exploring (my personal favorite)...all in an effort to keep our routine as normal as possible. While it might sound like a lot of extra effort, if it is part of your everyday routine, making a few adjustments for vacation or other changes shouldn't be a big deal.

Here are some ways you can keep a consistent and fun routine for your pet:
1. Set An Alarm!
Set the feeding time(s) for your pets on your watch or cell phone to ensure you don't miss a feeding time no matter what your daily activity schedule might entail.
2. Download the Hill's Perfect Weight 10-Week Challenge Calendar:
You can track your pet's weight, take notes, and post photos. It includes information on how to introduce the Hill's Perfect Weight pet food into your dog's diet.
3. Check out the cool Hill's "Tips and Tools" page that has excellent information on various kinds of exercises for your cat or dog, including levels of effort from light to 'resistance' and 'enhanced' plus fun things like 'ab' workouts for your cat!
4. Visit the petMD 'Healthy Weight Tool' Online - helpful question and answer tool to see where your pet might be weight-wise.
Just remember that a healthy pet is a happy pet. But take any kind of a new exercise or weight loss plan slow and steady for both you and your pet. If your pet has any kind of a weight issue, especially a little dog like me and my sisters, Hills has an excellent new Adult Perfect Weight for Small and Toy Breeds that could help. It can be purchased at Pet360 or at your veterinarian's office.
I have some exciting news to share...For families that need a little help kick starting their pet’s weight loss, Hill’s Science Diet has a sweepstakes going on where you can enter to win 10 Weeks of Perfect Weight pet food ! Enter the sweepstakes today for your chance to win friends. Don't wait another minute...go enter now!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Joy of Helping Your Pet Maintain a #PerfectWeight

This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s® Science Diet® Perfect Weight 10 Week Turnaround, but 'Pixel Blue Eyes: Her Tails of Adventure' blog only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.
"Being a pet parent is one of the greatest joys in the entire world!" Mommy said that to me just this morning when we were having our special morning time before breakfast. There is so much love shared between a pet and their human. I know Mommy wants to spoil me like crazy, but I also know she wants what is best for me, so I can imagine that being a pet parent can also be a challenge, as she balances her need to spoil me with doing what is best for me. Keeping me at a perfect weight is one of the greatest and most loving things she does for me. It's also one of her biggest challenges. Thankfully she, and many other pet parents, don't have to tackle that challenge alone.
Many pet parents may ask, "Is my precious little one overweight?". I've shared with you in the past that I had a bit of a weight issue a few years ago when I was 2.5 pounds over my ideal weight. Now, that may not sound like much, but 5 lbs on a small dog is like 30 lbs on a human, so I was carrying the equivalent of 15 extra pounds on me. Watch this "Is your pet overweight" video by Dr. Ashley Gallagher:

It turns out that over 50% of all pets are overweight. Excess weight can cause many issues for pets, but it's difficult to shed those extra pounds, whether you are human or canine. It is very important to address a weight issue as soon as possible. Talk to your veterinarian and set up a plan to help your pet shed the pounds. There are things you can do, tools you can use, and products that can help overweight pets.
The most important thing to do is to make an appointment to have your pet(s) evaluated by your veterinarian. They can best identify a plan of action for your pet.
If your pet is overweight, your vet might suggest the Hill's® Science Diet® Perfect Weight pet food. Yes, my friends at Hills have done it again! They are always concerned about pets being at a healthy weight, and continually strive to create pet foods that help pets successfully lose weight. Hills strives to work in partnership with pet parents to get their dogs and cats to a healthy weight so their pets live longer, healthier, happier lives. I'm super excited about their breakthrough nutrition formulated to achieve & maintain a healthy weight & improve quality of life in small & toy breed dogs like me: Hill's® Science Diet® Small and Toy Breed Formula. You can read all about it here: 70% of cats and dogs who used Science Diet Perfect Weight lost weight within 10 weeks.
Tips and tools to help you and your pet succeed in achieving and keeping a perfect weight:
1. Always measure out your pet's food each time you feed them. Find out what the total amount of food is they can have for the day, then split it out to the number of meals you want them to have for that day. For example, I have to take medicine 4 times a day, so I get my total amount of food split into 4 meals. I LOVE getting all those mini meals from Mommy throughout the day.
2. Exercise your pet. Even in the dead of winter, your pet can still get exercise. We love to play in the snow, even if we get cold quickly. You could try incorporating several small indoor or outdoor play times, or small exercise/activity times throughout the day. Even 5 minutes of throwing the ball down the hall with your pet is excellent way to keep you both active, happy and a little healthier.
3. Learn a new trick together. It will keep both the mind AND the body active.
4. Check out your pet's weight using the petMD Healthy Weight Tool - Enter in some basic information to get the answer.
5. Discover just how negative an impact "people food" from your plate can be on your pet by visiting the Treat Translator Tool - You only think that "one tiny bite of cheese" isn't much.
Being a pet parent is both rewarding and challenging, but we're all here for each other. A healthy weight for your dog or cat is one of the most loving thing you can do for them. Achieving a perfect weight for your pet is possible. If you'd like to read some success stories of cats and dogs who have achieved their perfect weight with the Hills 10 Week Turnaround, visit the Hillspet website. Hills Science Diet Perfect Weight pet food is available at your licensed veterinarian or at Pet 360.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dashing His Way to Fitness with #HillsPet - Meet Dash from "The Philly Dog" Blog

Dog weight loss can be a difficult goal to achieve. You've seen me blog about it before, sharing my own past experience with extra weight, and the challenges that come with trying to help your pet lose weight. Many pet owners love giving extra food and treats to their beloved pets to show how much they love them. But when the pet gains extra pounds, it can put a real stress on their bodies, and make it hard for them to live an active, healthy life. So trying to force the weight loss by withholding food and treats, and trying to increase exercise is not always ideal. Today I want to share with you a real life doggie weight loss success story, all thanks to my friends at #HillsPet!
Dash, an adorable 9 year old male Yorkshire Terrier from "The Philly Dog Blog", and his Mom took part in the #Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution weight loss trial. Dash was a husky 12 pounds at one time in his life. Now, while that sounds pretty small, when compared to what his ideal weight (8 lbs) should be for his size, Dash was extremely an overweight dog with his little body under great stress from it. His Mom Rebecca began noticing he was overweight about 3 years ago, and said that at times during his heaviest, he actually waddled when he walked. Dash definitely needed some help to get more 'dash' in his step.
But before we talk about his successful weight loss with #Hills Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food, let's learn a bit more about Dash. I want to share what his Mom says about how they met:
"I got Dash from a breeder. When I arrived, Dash came running up to me. When I picked him up he literally wrapped his paws around my neck. Sold! He was 2 years old at the time and she had been
showing him (I think she stopped because he wasn’t winning). But he was a total winner in my eyes!"
Dash's name fits him well, for he loves to play fetch with his orange ball (and only his orange ball), play tug of war and chase squirrels. His mom loves playing fetch with him as well. She cherishes their walks together, and cuddle time is always a favorite for them. Of course, it's a favorite for me and my Mommy too!
When asked about Dash's quality of life with the extra weight he carried about, Rebecca said that Dash's collapsing trachea had gotten a lot worse and his luxating patellas (knee joints) popped out a lot more often, which can be painful. The excess weight had an effect on activity as well. He couldn't play fetch for as long as he used to, he didn't want to go for walks, and he slept more.
In the past, Rebecca would just try withholding treats and food to try to shed the pounds off Dash. As you can see in this video, Dash didn't want to dash much at all. He'd just meander through the yard instead.
Mom Rebecca said that this is her first time using a diet product for her boy. What makes Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution so special is that it activates your pet's metabolism to regulate appetite and burn fat. It wasn't long before things started changing once Dash was on the Hill's Metabolic Weight Solution formula.
Dash had been used to a raw food diet, so initially he had a tough time switching to a dry kibble and treats style of food. He eats the food, but does so reluctantly and the treats take some extra cajoling for him to eat them. However his Mom still has piece of mind knowing she doesn't have to worry so much about what exactly he can and cannot eat.
The weight started slowly coming off.
At last weigh in, he only had one more pound to lose before reaching his ideal weight of 8 pounds. Isn't that fantastic?

While eating Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, an obese pet’s metabolism changes to act more like that of a lean pet.

Rebecca says she's extremely pleased with the success of the Hill's Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food. Obviously Dash is enjoying having more pep in his step too! His Mom says he is acting more like a puppy again and has much more stamina. She is so happy that Dash is playing fetch again and that he enjoys walks much more.
Let's watch this video of Dash as he 'dashes' to get his favorite orange ball.

Want to learn more about Dash's successful weight loss journey with Hill's Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution dog food? Visit "The Philly Dog" blog to read about how Dash was able to quit the overweight dog's club and read more about Dash's before and after results. Make sure to leave him a congratulatory message.
To hear more first hand testimonials about Hill's Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food, visit their Facebook page and enter the name of the food in their special search engine.
This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food, but Pixel Blue Eyes only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. 
Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Joy of Showing Your Love - Redefining Love with #HillsPet

Hi friends! I'm live on location here on the beautiful coral sands of Florida's East side with a special report that I hope you will appreciate. It deals with two very important and joyful things...Food & Love!
Just like all pet parents, Mommy has this incredible need to make me feel loved, and she shows me love every single day of my life. It is a constant that comes in so many forms and I cherish each one. Sometimes it's with hugs, sometimes with kisses, other times it's with a toy or a nice game of chase outside. In the past it has been with extra food and treats, whether it was my normal food or food from her plate. It is so easy to express love with food. Up to a point it can be good, but when I was a couple of pounds over my ideal weight a few years ago, Mommy had to curb her desire to give me as many treats as she would have liked, and as much as I wanted her to. Of course, a little treat here or there is good in moderation, but they can add up rather quickly. Extra food and treats that say "I love you" can often lead to excess weight that could over time lead to health problems in your pet. I know first hand that this is true.
Animals are often ruled by their stomach, so for us, any excuse is a good excuse for treats, extra food, a lick of your spoon or a piece of french fry from your fast food stop. We can't help it. If we had our way, each of us would have free reign of your refrigerator every single hour of the day.

The good news is, our love for you runs much deeper than our stomachs, and of course your love is precious and never ending, and we know it. So we trust you to do what is right for us. If you see that your pet is looking a little extra stout, it can be hard to curb that desire to give us extra treats, especially when we give you those sad puppy dog eyes or a soft little "Meow" that is just begging for a little something extra. But cat and dog weight loss can be hard to attain.
My friends at #Hill'sPet know how difficult it can be to cut back on our treats, especially when we have been a good girl or boy. It might even feel like you are withholding love. With Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, it’s not about withholding love, it's about redefining love. Every pet parent wants their pets to live as long and as healthy a life as possible, and keeping your pet at a healthy weight is instrumental in helping live a long healthy life with you. Hill's doesn't want you to feel like you are withholding love to keep your pet's weight in check, they want you to be able to feed a better weight loss pet food that will allow you to keep giving your pet all the love you ever have as you feed them a food specially made to help them lose weight without holding back on the treats and food.
Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food is virtually guilt free! No more cutting back on food or treats. Not only do they have wet & dry food, but they also have...wait for it....TREATS! Can you imagine? Guilt-free treats for your dog or cat. You no longer have to feel like you are withholding love...instead you are redefining love with a pet food that actually changes the metabolism of your pet to help them lose weight. As a matter of fact, 88% of pets that tried the Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution food for 60 days lost weight! They ate good, had special treats and still lost the weight. Now THAT is my idea of showing the love!
Now, how would you like to show the love? How would you like some love shown to you? Hill's would like to help you pay it forward through the Tell-a-Friend Program. Share the Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution $25 Wellness Visit Rebates with your friends and family to encourage them to see their pet’s veterinarian for a wellness visit. That's $25 you get back after your pet visits the veterinarian for a wellness check up. Instructions are on the rebate.
In addition to that cool rebate, those same lucky friends (who take their dog or cat for the wellness visit) will receive a valuable $25 rebate for Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution food for dogs or cats. Wow! That’s a $50 value. Only one rebate per household please. Rebate  available in the U.S. only.
So whether you fill out the rebate form yourself, or share it with someone whom you know could use it, you'll be spreading the gift of health for dogs and cats! What could be sweeter than that?
This post is sponsored by Hill’s and the Pet Blogger Network. 
I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food,
but Pixel Blue Eyes' blog only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers.
Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Joy of Healthy Weight & Healthy Relationships - #HillsPet Metabolic Weight Loss

I love snacking! I think any excuse is a good excuse for a little snack. I even patrol the dining room table area at times in case a magical snack appears for me to delve into. That's just how I roll. But, if Mommy gave into my requests for snacks every time I asked, begged or gave her the sad eyes for one, I know I'd weigh more than I should. Whether you are a animal or a human, carrying around a lot of extra weight can take it's toll on your everyday life. Pets especially have a hard time when they are overweight. It can really weigh a pet down, no pun intended, because one pound on us can be like 10-20 pounds on a human. Think about it...if a dog's ideal weight was 10 pounds, but they actually weighed 12 pounds, that would be the same as a 100 lb person carrying around an extra 20 pounds. That is a lot of extra weight that is putting pressure on a pet's joints, heart, and other important organs. In many cases, a pet's quality of life and relationship with their family can be impacted because that extra weight can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your dog or cat.
My friends at Hill's have created a fantastic and delicious new line of prescription pet food & treats that helps combat additional weight in dogs and cats. Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food actually helps an overweight animal's metabolism change to act more like that of a lean animal. And even after weight loss is achieved with this new Metabolic pet food, the highly efficient change in metabolism is maintained.
Just talking about all this wonderful food makes me hungry, especially since they have dry dog food, wet dog food AND treats. I could talk about the benefits of Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution pet food all day long, but why don't I share a very important video about Bear, a handsome German Shepherd dog whose life was changed by Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution dog food. While you watch it, think about your own pets....could they benefit from this new food?

As the gentleman in the video said, he got his friend back again. Being at a healthier weight enabled Bear to play more, interact more and enjoy life a whole lot more. That's what we want for all our loved ones, don't we? Gracie is another fantastic success story. She is one of the 88% of pets that lost weight in a healthy way by eating Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution for dogs. Just look at these before and after photos of Gracie! Her weight loss diet for dogs didn't feel like a diet at all to her. She had wet and dry food, as well as yummy treats. Go Gracie!!

Remember, Hill's Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution dog and cat food works fast, with many getting to an ideal weight in just 60 days. With an 88% success rate, it's well worth a try! Diet and exercise go hand in paw to help keep us at a healthy weight too. Walking is one of the very best exercises in my humble opinion, and I LOVE to go for walks! Of course I love to run too. PetMD shares 10 simple ways to help your pet get to an ideal weight, which will help make them feel like a puppy again, full of energy and playfulness.
The relationship that pets share with their pet parents is so important, so always stay active with them. We long to be with you, and we need that playful interaction with you. We also need for you to be wise in how and what we eat. We depend on you. Being at a healthy weight will help us pets be able to keep that relationship fresh and new, and will help us stay active longer.
But don't just take my word for can read some reviews about Hill's Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution on their Facebook page. Just enter the term "Metabolic" to read reviews specific to this new food.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat? New Metabolic Pet Food & a GIVEAWAY by #HillsPet

"Mommy, does this dress make me look fat?" I know, it's not something you expect your pet to ask you. To be honest, I've never thought about my weight before...most pets don't. In fact, we don't worry about our weight at all! Yet there is a growing epidemic of overweight pets in the U.S.:  53% of dogs and 55% of cats are overweight. Many pet parents don't realize their pet is carrying extra pounds. Mommy certainly didn't realize I was about 2 pounds over my ideal weight a few years ago. She was so unhappily surprised that I weighed 14 pounds when I should only weigh 11-12 pounds. It can happen to anyone.
Thanksgiving 2011 - Pixel is about to get a little bite of sweet potato of Mommy's fork
Thanksgiving 2011 - Pixel is about to get a little bite of sweet potato
Several factors can contribute to weight issues. Plus, I must admit, pets love food. You know how pets are. We follow our nose, and are content to eat anything and everything we can get our paws on. (I'm just being honest here.) If we hear any type of food sounds, we come running. Whether it's our supper time or yours, we're close on your heels, asking to take part. Pets love to eat. And we love giving you adorable little looks to get you to give us a treat, a bite, or a nibble of food. We are quite persuasive.

Pets never think about things like eating proper proportions, being overweight, or watching our diet, so pets must rely on pet parents to manage what we eat for us.
It can be tough though, because no one wants to feel like they’re depriving their dog or cat of food – even when it's to help them maintain or lose weight. Controlling portions or withholding treats isn't fun. But extra weight adds up quickly for a pet, causing health issues, just as it can for humans.
Ask yourself and then ask your vet, "Is my pet at their ideal weight? Does my pet need to lose a few pounds to get to an optimum weight for long term health and well being?" It's an important topic to discuss with your vet, just as Mommy did when I had to lose a little weight.
To make pet weight loss easier, my friends at Hills Pet have developed a new weight management food called Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution dog and cat food, available only through your veterinarian. Their special formula food works by activating metabolism to regulate appetite and burn fat. In real life, normal conditions, 88% of dogs and cats that participated in our feeding trial lost weight without having to greatly change their life style.
Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution includes a complete portfolio of dry food, canned food and treats designed to work together for easy, flexible weight loss success without deprivation, making it much easier for pet owners to keep pets on the program and comply with their vet’s recommendation. Pets feel full and satisfied and still lose weight! Read some of the Metabolic pet food reviews to see what people are saying. Just type the word "metabolic" in the product search bar.
Remember, with this formula, you change what your pet eats, not how your pet eats.
Watch this charming video about a pet parent who really wants to do right for her pet's health.

Hill's Pet wants to give you the opportunity to try Metabolic pet food
and see what a difference it can make. 
10 lucky blog followers (open to U.S. residents only) will win a gift starter kit for dogs or cats! Each Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution trial kit is a $70 value:
Canine Metabolic Starter Kit
• 1 Weight Loss Success Tote Bag
• 1 Weight Loss Success Guide
• 1 6lb bag of Metabolic dry dog food
• 2 (13oz) Metabolic cans
• 1 (16oz) Metabolic treats
• (2) $25 coupons
Feline Metabolic Starter Kit
• 1 Weight Loss Success Tote Bag
• 1 Weight Loss Success Guide
• 1 4lb bag of Metabolic dry cat food
• 2 (5.5oz) Metabolic cans
• 1 (2.5oz) Metabolic treats
• (2) $25 coupons
How do you enter?
Get permission from your vet to try this new weight loss pet food.
Leave a comment telling us about your pet who can benefit from Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Be sure to include all of the required information below:
1. What is your pet: dog or cat
2. Pet’s age
3. Pet’s current weight or close guess
4. Your name
5. Your email address
**Open Only to U.S. Residents**
**Only One Winner Per Household**
This post is sponsored by Hill’s. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill's® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, but Pixel Blue Eyes only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.